The Philippine Statistics Authority has recently announced a more accessible method of registering for a National ID — it can now be done fully online! It’s been a few years since R.A. No. 11055 has been approved, stating that the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) will be the government’s central identification platform for all citizens and resident aliens, but still the Filipino people are still unsure of whether the National ID is required at all, or of what it entails, and what even are the procedure in order to acquire one. To help with all of that, this article will serve as your guide on matters involving the National ID, answering the most important and frequently asked questions about the newly operational identification card.
Table of Contents
What is the National ID?
The Philippine Identification Card (PhilID) or most notably known as the National ID, serves as an official government identification card for Filipinos and foreigners registered within the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys). Successfully registering through the PhilSys, will earn you a PhilSys Number (PSN) and a PhillD.
WHY should I apply for the National ID?
Although, the National ID is not required or mandatory for everyone, registering for one is highly recommended because of the benefits that will be available for citizens once they are registered under the PhilSys. Mostly involving services offered by the government which will be further discussed.
WHAT is the National ID Used For?
Since the National ID has only recently launched, even more services will be available in the future when it is fully implemented. But as of now, the PhillID will be used in the following services and institutions:
- Social welfare programs and benefits, and other government agencies
- Passport, driver’s license, and other government-issued IDs
- Bank/financial and Tax-related transactions
- COMELEC registration and voting
- Schools or government hospitals
- Employment transactions
CAN I apply for the National ID?
Registration for the National ID is open to all Filipino citizens, including those of multiple citizenships, Overseas Filipino Workers or those living abroad, and Foreign nationals or resident aliens living within the country for over six months.
Furthermore, registration is open to all ages. Children below five years old, however, will only have their demographic information and front-facing photograph collected. Upon turning 15, the child will be required to update their information and retake their biometrics. For the time being before this happens, their PSN will be linked to their parent or legal guardian.
I am a FOREIGNER or RESIDENT ALIEN, can I apply for the National ID card?
Yes, if you are a foreigner or resident alien, you can still apply for a National ID. As long as you have been living in the Philippines for over six months. Keep in mind that because of your status your card is only valid for a year, and you are required by PSA to renew for the succeeding years.
Now that we have established the information needed before registering, let’s talk about the process itself…
WHAT are the REQUIREMENTS for a National ID?
It is crucial to prepare first the needed documents before undergoing to the process itself. Once you got an appointment, the following documents will be required upon face-to-face:
- Philippine Passport or ePassport – DFA-issued
- UMID – GSIS or SSS-issued
- Student’s License Permit or Driver’s License – LTO-issued
- PSA-issued birth certificate together with one (1) government-issued identification document which bears your full name, front-facing photograph and your signature or thumb mark
A full list of the primary and secondary documents can be found through
HOW MUCH do I have to pay for the National ID?
Registering for the National ID is free of charge. But it is important to note that in cases of damage or loss, citizens will have to shoulder an ID replacement fee, unless they have a certificate of indigency or a certificate of low-income which can be presented to be exempted from the said fee.
WHAT IS THE PROCESS to get the National ID?


The first thing you need in order to proceed with registration is the internet. Filling out the online form via is the first step in registering for the national ID. In order to complete this step, you must book and schedule an in-person appointment at the end of the form. While registering you will asked to provide the following information:
- Last name, first name, and middle name
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Blood type
- Address
- Citizenship (Filipino or Resident Alien)
- Marital status
- Mobile number
- Email address

Registration centers are available nationwide, but unfortunately because of the health and safety protocols implemented, walk-ins are not recommended and are only accommodated if there are slots available, so keep that in mind.
The next step requires you to go to your designated registration center on the day that was stated on your appointment. These centers can be found in
One you reach your destination, the following biometric data will be captured under PhilSys:
- Front-facing photo
- Full set of fingerprints
- Iris scan
Keep in mind that although there is no required attire, one should wear appropriate clothing, no heavy makeup, colored eye contacts, or any accessories.
If you remember to bring all the necessary documents and follow all the tips stated above, you will most likely be done in only 20 to 30 minutes. Once done, a transaction slip will be given to you containing all your information, which you will be using to receive your PSN and PhillD when it is delivered to your home via PHLPost.
HOW LONG for my National ID to be RELEASED and DELIVERED?
Once all of that is done, all that is left to do really is wait. As was stated your PSN and PhillID is to be delivered to your address that you provided. Make sure to present your transaction slip or any valid ID in a case where you might have lost your slip.
Lastly, WHAT if I still have questions and concerns about the National ID?
The PSA Philippine Identification System page is highly active on Facebook and their website, so keep a close eyes on their updates regarding your concerns.
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